
1. When I was kid, I placed a baby turtle inside the freezer thinking it was similar to cryogenic freezing.

2. As a social experiment, I joined a beauty contest only to have found out that in the end, the organizers disqualified me for having lied about my real identity. Makit witnessed the horror! HAHA.

3. The name, Jareliese, is a result to my Mama's intelligent meandering. Recently, I sent definitions to Asian goddess, polymath. It got acccepted. LOL.

4. I need to imbibe the beauty of the sunset daily (5:20-6:10pm).

5. I have this pathological need to face the window when eating in restaurants. I feel the peculiar need to see the view (or sometimes the diners) while eating. Marco understands this neurosis pretty well. HAHA.

6. Started theater since kindergarten. My first real theatre experience was "Julius Caesar: The Rock Opera" (2002) with Trisha Eunice Libres, Randolph Libres, and Raymond Ordoño.

7. I go home to a house full of pets: 3 fishes, one big turtle, and 3 shih tzus (Sean, Shawie, and Jel-O).

8. Secretly wants to be a TV show host.

9. Has a doodle notebook of all the witty comebacks and lines from bestsellers that I read and sitcoms I watch.

10. Beau and I have been writing down our text messages since March 2000. Too sappy? HAHA! I hope to submit this as an entry for Guiness someday. LOL! I remember the first text message. It was via Ma. Crestina Lavares' phone. TY, Bubbles.

11. Is chocoholic. If I don't find chocolates at home, I resort to eating Milo mixed with condensed milk. HAHA.

12. Started driving since 16. Almost got rammed into so I stopped for a looong time. Got my driving license at 25. Hehe.

13. Used to make Valentines cards to elem. classmates. Stopped doing so after being told that "Happy ValentiMe's Day" is incorrect.

14. Had only four crushes my entire life. I've been dating of 'em since HS. HAHA!

15. Gives credence to UP for having rewritten her destiny.

16. Paints and glosses over dead toenails regularly. It's hard grooming toenails when you're a soccer player...right, Jed, Papa Kirbs, Earl, Eman, Titus, Wen, Scot, Dan and Liv? :p

17. Hates idle time. Bestsellers keep me company. If you'd decide to meet up with me at the mall, I will staunchly suggest for you to rendezvous with me at a bookstore. Geekspeak!

18. Surreptitiously dresses up in a loud fashion at home (never has the courage to wear it in public). Hopes to dress to express someday just like Bianca "My Bibang" Balbuena. Hehe.

19. Looks forward to game nights. An hour session is equivalent to reading 25 pages of a Did-you-know book. Hee hee.

20. Constantly thanks Ellen for being the social glue among the posies. HAHA. Peace!

21. Has a broad preference over music: Classical, broadway, accoustic, and R&B.

22. Pays homage to her guru: Sir Myko. You, too, Orly, Sir Bien, and Karlo. Hehe.

23. Found out that "H" is pronounced as /eytch/ and not /ehthch/ when I was a freshie at UP High. Thanks, 3sha Pie. MWAHAHAHA!

24. Pretended I had an identity crisis when I was in UP High (circa 1996) just to cover up the mess I've made for having gotten really, really low scores (I used to belong to the last 20 among 120). I had my first taste of 75 when I was 13. Big blow on my ego.

25. Considers it a HUGE feat having been in the honor's list during HS and College even it was just a FEW times. HAHAHA. Thank you, Christopher Brian Jurado, Kareen Tariman, Jimvic Dy, and Marco Albeza!


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