Land of Enchantment: Nuevo México
Won a trip to the "Land of Enchantment": Nuevo México for achieving:
🥣 100% Ave. Handling Time (AHT) in washing the dishes: less than 7 mins.
👩👦95% Schedule Adherance: sending my 1st grader to school on time
👧🏻 89% First-Call Resolution (FCR) during toddler meltdowns
My employer was kind to let me bring the kids and tag along. Thanks, Boss-hubby! 🤣 #housewife
Phoenix to New Mexico: 9 hours via i40 (full tank on our SUV for a one-way trip), 6 days and 5 nights
⛱ White Sands National Monument
Entrance Fee: $5
Good time to visit: 3 pm to 6 pm
Catch the golden hour! The sand dunes near the picnic area has the perfect view of the Grand Canyon and sunset. Waiting for the golden hour means you may have to drive through for miles in the dark. Don't fret. There are affordable inns nearby.
🎈Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2018 Entrance Fee: $10
Choose school days during the week-long celebration (the crowd is still huge but not as much during the weekend). Arrive as early as 6 to 6:30 to secure a good parking spot and catch the laser light show. Participate in event booths to win goodies. Stay warm. It gets ridiculously cold at dawn. Good time to watch: 6: 00 am to 8:30 am
⛪ El Santuario de Chimayo Historic Site ("best known for the curative powers of the 'holy dirt' that’s found in its sacristy")
People spend at least an hour here.
Entrance fee: FREE
Bring your own holy dirt and water containers. You may also buy one in their store for only $2. There's no charge in getting holy water and dirt. Pilgrims/guests spend usually an hour here.
🏞 Santa Cruz Lake
Entrance fee: FREE
NOTE: The lake is 15 mins. away from the El Santuario de Chimayo Historic Site.
THE FOUR CORNERS MONUMENT The Four Corners Monument (Utah-Colorado-Arizona-New Mexico quadripoint - stand on four states at the same time!)
Entrance fee: $5
People usually spend 30 mins. here. It's better to visit early in the afternoon. There are still plenty of sites nearby that you must see such as the Mexican Hat and the Monument Valley.
#ElSantuarioDeChimayo #FourCorners #Arizona #NewMexico #SantaCruzLake #WhiteSandsNationalMonument #AlbuquerqueInternationalBalloonFiesta #BalloonFiesta #roadtrip #familytrip #WhenInNewMexico #WhatToDoInNewMexico #vacay #fallbreak